Requiem David Maslanka
Wind Ensemble, Large Group
for Wind Ensemble
Requiem is a single-movement fantasia written in response to an event of the Holocaust in World War II. It is not possible truly to grasp the deaths of millions of people, but the death of one, in this case a year-old baby brought me face-to-face with the horror and revulsion of the whole. We think that history is past, and nothing can change it. But the effects of such things as the Holocaust are still immediately with us; the open wound has not been healed. It is my feeling that music can bring closure, and it is my hope that Requiem will serve in this capacity.
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4
Dauer: 11:00 min
Seiten: -
Verlagsnummer: MP 100576
EAN: 9790302200789
Arrangeur: -
Verlag: Maslanka Press
Besetzung: Blasorchester Noten / Concert Band
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