Classical FlexQuartets - Cello

Classical FlexQuartets - Cello Diverse / Arr. Andrew Balent

Untertitel / Subtitle:
Kategorie / Category:
Instrumentation: Cello
Produkttyp / Product: Mixed Instrument Collection
Serie / Series:
This collection is a terrific resource for student groups, church musicians, family musicians, and more. These grade 3 arrangements are fully interchangeable and contain well-known classical melodies. Published in score form for any combination of instruments using the appropriate key-compatible books.
Can Can (Offenbach)French Song (Tchaikovsky)German Dance (Mozart)The Happy Farmer (Schumann)Minuet (Bach)Rosamunde (Schubert)Slavonic Dance (Dvorak)Surprise Symphony (Haydn)Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke)and Turkish March (Beethoven)

This collection is a terrific resource for student groups, church musicians, family musicians, and more. These grade 3 arrangements are fully interchangeable and contain well-known classical melodies. Published in score form for any combination of instruments using the appropriate key-compatible books.
14,34 €
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
Verfügbarkeit *
lieferbar in 4 Tagen
Bestellnummer: 929586
Schwierigkeitsgrad: -
Dauer: --:-- min
Seiten: -
Verlagsnummer: KM 19618
EAN: 822795196184
Komponist: Diverse
Arrangeur: Andrew Balent
Verlag: Kendor Music Inc.
Besetzung: Kammermusik / Ensemble

* Die Angabe der Verfügbarkeit beruht auf bisherigen Erfahrungswerten. Preisänderungen und Lieferbarkeit vorbehalten !
Rev. 4.118 - Time: 182 ms | SQL: -1 ms