Concerto in F

Concerto in F Giuseppe Sammartini / Arr. Jos van de Braak

Titel / Title: Concerto in F - for Recorder
Herausgeber / Publisher: Baton Music
Instrumentation: Recorder and Windensemble
Produkttyp / Product: Partitur + Stimmen

Titel / Title: Concerto in F
Untertitel / Subtitle: for Recorder
Herausgeber / Publisher: Baton Music
Instrumentation: Recorder and Wind Ensemble
Produkttyp / Product: Partitur + Stimmen
Serie / Series: Baton Music solo series
for Recorder

Giuseppe Baldassare Sammartini (1695 - 1750) was an Italian composer and oboist during the late Baroque and early Classical era. Due to his professional instrument, many of these sonatas were written for the flute, recorder, and oboe. Sammartini's most famous piece is without question his 'Recorder Concerto in F'. This three part concerto (Allegro-Siciliano-Allegro assai) features extensive finger- and tongue-twisting passagework.
95,23 €
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
Verfügbarkeit *
lieferbar in 7 Tagen
Dauer:12:30 min
Verlagsnummer:BM 537
Komponist:Giuseppe Sammartini
Arrangeur:Jos van de Braak
Verlag:Baton Music
Besetzung:Blasorchester Noten / Concert Band

*Die Angabe der Verfügbarkeit beruht auf bisherigen Erfahrungswerten. Preisänderungen und Lieferbarkeit vorbehalten !
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