Letting Go: Space for Joy

Letting Go: Space for Joy Janelle Finton

Commissioned by the John Hersey High School Symphonic Band Janelle Finton's "Letting Go: Space for Joy" for concert band (recording of original big band version linked) will be premiered at the 2024 Midwest Clinic!

This new arrangement of "Letting Go: Space for Joy", is a beautiful and introspective piece that brings a fusion of rich orchestral scoring, and the modern big band sound, into a concert band setting. The piece also includes improvisation, featuring a flugelhorn soloist, both on the written melody and in two improvised solo sections. There is also the option to feature a vocalist or different instrument during these improvised sections.

This piece was composed during Janelle's time as a student at the University of Miami and inspired by her journey of making space for joy.

"In order to have space for joy, I have learned that you have to let go of the things you can not control. Letting go is not always a simple process, and it is a practice to be cultivated over time. Joy is not an abstract emotion, disconnected from our life experiences. It is not a synonym to happiness, but about holding on to hope, amidst the longings of this world. It is worth the fight to have joy. This piece is a sonic representation of this journey. I am so glad to be able to share this music with you, and hope it gives you solace in your own story with joy."
130,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
Verfügbarkeit *
lieferbar in 15 Tagen
Bestellnummer: 223053
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4
Dauer: --:-- min
Seiten: -
Verlagsnummer: -
EAN: 4025511480093
Komponist: Janelle Finton
Arrangeur: -
Verlag: -
Besetzung: Blasorchester Noten / Concert Band

* Die Angabe der Verfügbarkeit beruht auf bisherigen Erfahrungswerten. Preisänderungen und Lieferbarkeit vorbehalten !
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