This is Our Joyful Hour Kevin Krumenauer
Score + Set of PartsWind Ensemble
for Wind Ensemble
This is Our Joyful Hour came out of a painful and traumatic period that resulted in a difficult divorce. At my lowest and most terrible moment I heard a radio DJ say, "this is our joyful hour." When I heard this I realized: that's the piece. Working on this music became a lifeline for me through one of the darkest periods of my life. It gave me hope and a sense of purpose to come back to every day. It helped me to know that I was putting something positive out into the world. It is my wish that this music might help you, too.
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Schwierigkeitsgrad: 5
Dauer: 8.5 min
Seiten: -
Verlagsnummer: MP 104267
EAN: -
Arrangeur: -
Verlag: Maslanka Press
Besetzung: Blasorchester Noten / Concert Band
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