Eteläpohjalainen kansanlaulu (South Ostrobothnian Folk Song for string String Orchestra
Toivo Kuula
William Shakespeare Op. 74, Overture to the incidental music Overture
Friedrich Daniel Rudolph Kuhlau
Elegie Op. 7 for violin (or viola) with accompanying pianoforte (score Chamber Music
Friedrich Klose
Der Sonne-Geist, Mythic oratrio for soli, choirs, orchestra and organ Choir/Voice & Orchestra
Friedrich Klose
Te Deum (Performance Score / first print) Choir/Voice & Instrument(s)
Willem Gommaar Kennis
Elegy (in memoriam Rupert Brooke) for string orchestra & harp Solo Instrument(s) & Orchestra
Frederick Kelly
Der 69. Psalm for choir and orchestra Choir/Voice & Orchestra
Heinrich Kaminski