Norwegian Dance No. 1 / Norsk Dans nr. 1

Norwegian Dance No. 1 / Norsk Dans nr. 1 Alfred Evensen / Arr. Kjell Martinsen

Serie / Series: BM Musikkforlag
Alfred Evensen (1883 - 1942) was born in Tromsø, but moved to Harstad 16 years old to start as a student at The Military School of Music. He was director and chief of the military band in 1918, and worked there for 12 years. In 1930 he was appointed to conductor of the military band in Bergen, and worked there until he was appointed to take over from Johannes Hanssen (Valdres march) as manager and conductor of the military band in Oslo in 1934.
With this band he participated in a major international military music collection in Paris in 1935 With a great success. In addition to his work in military music, he was a highly respected conductor of choir and composed, in addition to his compositions for bands, many songs for choir.
He died in Oslo, after he was arrested because of his resistance against the German occupation. At his own request he was buried in Harstad, and there is also a statue of him.

Norwegian Dance No. 1 and No. 2 dates from 1911 and 1912 respectively. They are composed in the style of Grieg's Norwegian Dances, Op. 35, but, unlike Grieg, Evensen has used his own themes for the compositions.

[NO]Alfred Evensen (1883 - 1942) var født i Tromsø, men flyttet til Harstad 16 år gammel for å begynne som elev ved 6. Brigades musikkskole. Han ble dirigent og sjef for militærkorpset der i 1918, og virket der i 12 år. I 1930 ble han utnevnt til sjef for Divisjonsmusikken i Bergen, og virket der frem til han ble utpekt til å overta etter Johannes Hanssen(Valdresmarsjen) som sjef og dirigent for Divisjonsmusikken i Oslo i 1934.
Med dette korpset deltok han ved en stor internasjonal militærmusikksamling i Paris i 1935 med stor suksess. I tillegg til sitt virke innen militærmusikken, var han en svært aktet kordirigent, og komponerte, i tillegg til sine korpskomposisjoner mange sanger for kor.
Han døde etter et fengselsopphold på Møllergata 19 i Oslo, hvor han satt grunnet sin motstand mot okkupasjonsmakten. Etter eget ønske ble han gravlagt i Harstad, hvor det også er reist en statue av ham.

Norsk Dans nr. 1 og 2 fra 1911 og 1912. De er komponert etter mønster av Griegs Norske danser, op. 35, men Evensen har i motsetning til Grieg benyttet egne temaer i folketonestil.

Aufnahme / Recording:Tognum Power - New Music for Concert Band Demo Tracks 2016-2017
96,30 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Availability *
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days
Product information
Order id:174097
Duration:--:-- min
publisher id:NOR 9790706690858
Composer:Alfred Evensen
Arranger:Kjell Martinsen
Publisher:Norsk Noteservice Vigmostad & Bjørke AS
Instrumentation:Blasorchester Noten / Concert Band


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