Gitarrenstarter Band 2 (+CD)

Gitarrenstarter Band 2 (+CD) Cees Hartog

Elementare Gitarrenschule
Following on from the material in Gitaar Starter 1, this book/CD set covers even more techniques that are vital for the beginning guitarist to learn. It discusses, amongst other topics, playmaking, legato, positionchanges, harmonics and chords.

In addition to the individual exercises, the techniques are mainly used in the playing materials, which contains pieces in many different styles from all around the world.

When thewhole Gitaar Starter series has been worked through, the student will have mastered the most important basics of Guitar playing.
25,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Availability *
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days
Product information
Order id: 771941
Difficulty: 2
Duration: --:-- min
Pages: 64
publisher id: ALB 10656
EAN: 9789043146975
Composer: Cees Hartog
Arranger: -
Publisher: G. Alsbach en Co Muziekuitgeverij
Instrumentation: Schulwerke / Education

* Information on availability is based on previous experiences. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice!
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