A New Approach to Altissimo Trumpet Playing

A New Approach to Altissimo Trumpet Playing John H. Lynch

Ever since people like Maynard Ferguson, Bill Chase and Cat Anderson showed trumpet players everywhere that the trumpet could be played with power and control to double high C and above, trumpet playing and trumpet players have never been the same. The dream of all serious players instantly became and has remained, to emulate this proficiency. However, this goal has been realized by only a very fortunate few. It remains an eternal grail – a seemingly constant source of unrewarded labors for most players. Those few powerhouse players who have attained some altissimo skill are frequently “naturals”, and are at a loss to explain how they do it.

Various methods have been suggested that tend to work to some extent with some players, but the process of high playing has never been extensively analyzed until now. This book, written by a person who understands both the physics and the musical aspects of high playing, is the definitive work in this area. The author has designed an exercise program that considers subtleties of playing never investigated before. These exercises incorporate many elements simultaneously to produce an optimum and extremely efficient methodology.

Some of the topics considered are:
PRESSURE – minimization techniques.
EMBOUCHURE – physics and design.
AIR FLOW – larynx relaxation and Zen technique.
LEFT HAND GRIP – designed to minimize pressure.
HORN ANGLE – effects of pivot.
PRACTICE AND WARM-UP – and optimized approach.
EQUIPMENT – mouthpieces, bore size and other equipment effects.
PSYCHOLOGY OF HIGH PLAYING – effect of attitude.
PHYSICS OF THE TRUMPET – pressure losses and energy distribution.
SPECIALLY DESIGNED EXERCISE PROGRAM – includes partial valve techniques and use of external pressure nodes beyond the bell.

We at Barnhouse sincerely believe this book can be one of the major “tools” in a trumpet player’s library, and that exposure to this system will benefit all players from novice to professional.

Seitdem Leute wie Maynard Ferguson, Bill Chase und Cat Anderson überall Trompeter zeigten, dass die Trompete mit Kraft und Kontrolle gespielt werden kann, um das hohe C und darüber zu verdoppeln, waren Trompetenspiel und Trompetenspieler nie mehr dasselbe. Der Traum aller ernsthaften Spieler wurde und bleibt sofort, um dieser Fähigkeit nachzueifern. Dieses Ziel wurde jedoch nur von wenigen sehr glücklichen Menschen erreicht. Es bleibt ein ewiger Gral - eine scheinbar konstante Quelle unbelohnter Arbeit für die meisten Spieler. Die wenigen Kraftpakete, die eine Altissimo-Fertigkeit erreicht haben, sind häufig 'Naturtalente' und sind ratlos, wie sie es machen.

Es wurden verschiedene Methoden vorgeschlagen, die mit einigen Spielern in gewissem Maße funktionieren, aber der Prozess des High-Playings wurde bisher noch nie umfassend analysiert. Dieses Buch, geschrieben von einer Person, die sowohl die physikalischen als auch die musikalischen Aspekte des hohen Spiels versteht, ist die endgültige Arbeit in diesem Bereich. Der Autor hat ein Übungsprogramm entwickelt, das Feinheiten des Spiels berücksichtigt, die noch nie zuvor untersucht wurden. Diese Übungen beinhalten viele Elemente gleichzeitig, um eine optimale und äußerst effiziente Methodik zu entwickeln.

Einige der betrachteten Themen sind:
DRUCK - Minimierungstechniken.
EMBOUCHURE - Physik und Design.
AIR FLOW - Entspannung des Kehlkopfes und Zen-Technik.
LINKS-HAND-GRIFF - entwickelt, um den Druck zu minimieren.
Hupenwinkel - Auswirkungen des Schwenkens.
PRAXIS UND WARM-UP - und optimierter Ansatz.
AUSRÜSTUNG - Mundstücke, Bohrungsgröße und andere Geräteeffekte.
PHYSIK DER TRUMPE - Druckverluste und Energieverteilung.
SPEZIELLES ÜBUNGSPROGRAMM - beinhaltet Teilventiltechniken und den Einsatz externer Druckknoten außerhalb der Glocke.

Wir von Barnhouse glauben aufrichtig, dass dieses Buch eines der wichtigsten 'Werkzeuge' in der Bibliothek eines Trompeters sein kann, und dass der Umgang mit diesem System allen Spielern vom Anfänger bis zum Profi zugute kommen wird.

Ever since people like Maynard Ferguson, Bill Chase and Cat Anderson showed trumpet players everywhere that the trumpet could be played with power and control to double high C and above, trumpet playing and trumpet players have never been the same. The dream of all serious players instantly became and has remained, to emulate this proficiency. However, this goal has been realized by only a very fortunate few. It remains an eternal grail - a seemingly constant source of unrewarded labors for most players. Those few powerhouse players who have attained some altissimo skill are frequently 'naturals', and are at a loss to explain how they do it.

Various methods have been suggested that tend to work to some extent with some players, but the process of high playing has never been extensively analyzed until now. This book, written by a person who understands both the physics and the musical aspects of high playing, is the definitive work in this area. The author has designed an exercise program that considers subtleties of playing never investigated before. These exercises incorporate many elements simultaneously to produce an optimum and extremely efficient methodology.

Some of the topics considered are:
PRESSURE - minimization techniques.
EMBOUCHURE - physics and design.
AIR FLOW - larynx relaxation and Zen technique.
LEFT HAND GRIP - designed to minimize pressure.
HORN ANGLE - effects of pivot.
PRACTICE AND WARM-UP - and optimized approach.
EQUIPMENT - mouthpieces, bore size and other equipment effects.
PSYCHOLOGY OF HIGH PLAYING - effect of attitude.
PHYSICS OF THE TRUMPET - pressure losses and energy distribution.
SPECIALLY DESIGNED EXERCISE PROGRAM - includes partial valve techniques and use of external pressure nodes beyond the bell.
15,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Availability *
available in 9 days
Product information
Order id: 57666
Difficulty: -
Duration: --:-- min
Pages: -
publisher id: 073-1989-24
EAN: 0000731989247
Composer: John H. Lynch
Arranger: -
Publisher: C.L. Barnhouse Company
Instrumentation: Schulwerke / Education


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