Teach Yourself to Play Blues & Boogie Piano

Teach Yourself to Play Blues & Boogie Piano Michael Tarro

Titel / Title: Teach Yourself to Play Blues & Boogie Piano - A Quick and Easy Introduction for Intermediate to Early Advanced Players
Herausgeber / Publisher: Hal Leonard
Instrumentation: Klavier
Produkttyp / Product: Buch + Online-Audio
Serie / Series: Piano Instruction
Produkttyp / Product: Buch + Online-Audio
Sprache / Language: English
Erscheinungsdatum / Date of Production: 2017
ISBN: 9781540004420
UPC: 888680710347

A Quick and Easy Introduction for Intermediate to Early Advanced Players||Hal Leonard|Piano|Book with Audio-Online|Piano Instruction||English(US)||||||888680710347|HL00248990|
21,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Availability *
available in 9 days
Product information
Order id: 687169
Difficulty: -
Duration: --:-- min
Pages: 64
publisher id: HL 00248990
EAN: 9781540004420
Composer: Michael Tarro
Arranger: -
Publisher: Hal Leonard Publishing Co.
Instrumentation: Kammermusik / Ensemble

* Information on availability is based on previous experiences. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice!
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