The Art of Improvisation: Vol. 1

The Art of Improvisation: Vol. 1 Richard Matteson

Titel / Title: The Art of Improvisation: Vol. 1
Herausgeber / Publisher: Music Minus One
Instrumentation: C Instruments, Bb Instruments, Eb Instruments and BC Instruments
Produkttyp / Product: Buch + CD
Serie / Series: Music Minus One
Produkttyp / Product: Buch + CD
Erscheinungsdatum / Date of Production: 2006
ISBN: 9781596156975
UPC: 884088190460

||Music Minus One|C, B-Flat, E-Flat and Bass Clef Instruments|Book with CD|Music Minus One|||||MMO7005|||884088190460|MMO7005|
out of print
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Product information
Order id: 593510
Difficulty: -
Duration: --:-- min
Pages: 64
publisher id: HL 00400536
EAN: 9781596156975
Composer: Richard Matteson
Arranger: -
Publisher: Hal Leonard Publishing Co.
Instrumentation: Tonträger / Recordings

* Information on availability is based on previous experiences. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice!
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