Our Song / Vår sang

Our Song / Vår sang Svein Henrik Giske

Serie / Series: Brsss Band Originals and Transcriptions
Our song was commissioned by Knarvik Skolekorps for their junior band in 2020. They wanted an original piece that could challenge their young players.
This became a suite in three movements with themes that run through the whole piece.

In the 2. movement there is a possibility for the band to sing in «Song of friendship.». Young people finding friendship through music, as I myself have done, is one of the nicest things one can experience, in my opinion.
Should you choose not to sing, you can just play the notes as printed.

Svein H. Giske
-September 2022-

[NO]Vår sang ble skrevet på bestilling til Knarvik Skolekorps sitt juniorkorps i 2020. De ønsket et originalverk med litt lengde og utfordringer for sine musikanter.
Dette ble til en suite i tre satser, med temaer som går igjen gjennom hele verket.

I 2. sats er det åpning for at man kan synge, i Sang om vennskap. Barn og unge som finner vennskap gjennom musikk, slik jeg selv har gjort, er noen av det fineste man oppleve, synes jeg.
Hvis man ikke ønsker å synge, spiller man bare notene slik de står.

Svein H. Giske
-September 2022-

Aufnahme / Recording:The Great Colour Gobbler - New Music for Brass Band - Demo Tracks 2022-2023
62,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Availability *
available in 13 days
Product information
Order id:931265
Duration:06:00:00 min
publisher id:NOR 9790261721264
Composer:Svein Henrik Giske
Publisher:Norsk Noteservice Vigmostad & Bjørke AS
Instrumentation:Brass Band

*Information on availability is based on previous experiences. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice!
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