
Tasten- und Balginstrumente

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Ave Maria - Anton Bruckner / Arr. David Marlatt

Ave Maria Anton Bruckner / Arr. David Marlatt

für 2 Trompeten, Horn, Posaune, Tuba und Orgel Stimmen KAMMERMUSIK TASTEN/BALG+BLECHBLASINSTR. SEXTETTE Marlatt, Daviad, arr.This is the most popular and often performed setting by Bruckner. When this work was written Bruckner had just finished a five year course of contrapuntal study during which he was forbidden to write any free compositions. With this restriction lifte ...
19,95 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 2:05 min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: Anton Bruckner
Arranger: David Marlatt
Article Nr: 522987
available in 5 days *

Back to Bedlam, Voice/Gitarre/Tab - James Blunt
24,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: James Blunt
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 49093
available in 6 days *

Bastien Favorites Level 4 - Jane Smisor Bastien

Bastien Favorites Level 4 Jane Smisor Bastien

A collection of favorite Bastien original solos. Lieferbare Produkte / Available Products: Stufe 1 / Level 1 Stufe 2 / Level 2 Stufe 3 / Level 3 Stufe 4 / Level 4 ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 460837
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Bastien Play-Along Christmas (+CD) - Buch 2 / Book 2 - Jane Smisor & Lisa & Lori Bastien

Bastien Play-Along Christmas (+CD) - Buch 2 / Book 2 Jane Smisor & Lisa & Lori Bastien

Correlated with the Bastien Piano Basics, Bastien Play-Along Christmas can be used with students studying any method. This collection includes 21 Sacred, Popular and Christmas Classics, graded from Primer through Level 2, with words to each song. The accompaniment CD includes 2 tracks for each song, a slower 'practice tempo' and faster 'goal tempo'. A must for every family. Li ...
14,61 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Jane Smisor & Lisa & Lori Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 462874
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Bastien's Best of Bacharach & David - James Bastien
Six pop standards, arranged with a flair by James Bastien. Includes Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head, Close To You, What the World Needs Now is Love, I'll Never Fall in Love Again, Do You Know the Way to San Jose?, Alfie.

Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 4
Composer: -
Arranger: James Bastien
Article Nr: 462890
not available in our webshop *

Bastiens Invitation to Music : Piano Party - Christmas Party Book A - Jane Smisor Bastien
Unter dem Begriff "Bastien's Einladung zur Musik" haben Jane, Lisa und Lori Bastien ein Unterrichtsprogramm für die ganz kleinen Klavierschüler geschrieben. Auf spielerische Weise werden den Kindern die musikalischen Grundbegriffe vermittelt. Die wunderschönen, farbenfrohen Illustrationen und die ansprechenden Liedtexte lassen keine Langeweile aufkommen. Die Klaviermethode b ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 1
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 462862
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Bastiens Invitation to Music : Piano Party - Second Recital Party Book D - Jane Smisor Bastien
Unter dem Begriff "Bastien's Einladung zur Musik" haben Jane, Lisa und Lori Bastien ein Unterrichtsprogramm für die ganz kleinen Klavierschüler geschrieben. Auf spielerische Weise werden den Kindern die musikalischen Grundbegriffe vermittelt. Die wunderschönen, farbenfrohen Illustrationen und die ansprechenden Liedtexte lassen keine Langeweile aufkommen. Die Klaviermethode b ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 1
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 462869
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Beginning Piano Multi-Key Reading - Keith Snell
A collection of progressive elementary pieces for any age student designed specifically to help students move quickly and smoothly from their first lessons to the Preparatory Level of Piano Repertoire or Essential Piano Repertoire. It includes attractive original music by Keith Snell taking students from Middle-C position to C, F, and G Five-Finger positions. The included CD co ...
7,81 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 1
Composer: Keith Snell
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 462077
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Best of Easy Piano Classics 1 - Hans-Günter Heumann

Best of Easy Piano Classics 1 Hans-Günter Heumann

Der neueste Band der Erfolgsserie Best of Piano Classics von Hans-Günter Heumann bietet eine attraktive bunte Mischung von sehr leichten bis leichten originalen Klavierstücken aus Barock, Klassik, Romantik und Moderne. Neben beliebten Repertoirestücken sind auch Entdeckungen enthalten, die den modernen Unterricht und das Vorspiel bereichern. Die 100 kurzen Originalwerke liefern ...
18,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 1+
Composer: Hans-Günter Heumann
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 959234
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Bläser Favoriten 1 - Klavier-Begleitung - Traditional / Arr. Erich Börschel

Bläser Favoriten 1 - Klavier-Begleitung Traditional / Arr. Erich Börschel

15,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Erich Börschel
Article Nr: 932604
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

BLAUER HIMMEL Akkordeon - Josef Rixner
Alternative Bestellnummer: Weinberger 102-17
6,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Josef Rixner
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 762628
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Bums Valdera (Wir machen durch...) - Einzelausgabe Klavier (PVG) - Willibald Quanz / Arr. Karl Wiedenfeld
Alternative Artikelnummer: Weinberger 432-17 Text: Brigitte Weber und Willibald Quanz
6,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Willibald Quanz
Arranger: Karl Wiedenfeld
Article Nr: 521518
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Bunt gemischt Band 14 für Akkordeon
Bekannte und beliebte Melodien von gestern und heute

Inhalt / Content:

Lovely Mozart What a wonderful world TicoTico As Time goes by Swing alla turca C'est si bon Sportsmaster
8,40 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: -
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 959213
available in 5 days *

Bunt gemischt Band 17 für Akkordeon
Bekannte und beliebte Melodien von gestern und heute

Inhalt / Content:

Traumschiff-Melodie (James Last) Praxis Bülowbogen Musik ist Trumpf Disco-Waltz Sentimental Journey Eviva Espana Kein Schwein ruft mich an
8,40 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2+
Composer: -
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 959212
available in 5 days *

Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley
Titel / Title: Can't Help Falling in Love Herausgeber / Publisher: Hal Leonard Instrumentation: Klavier, Gesang und Gitarre Produkttyp / Product: Buch Serie / Series: Piano Vocal Produkttyp / Product: Buch ISBN: 9781495087264 UPC: 73999033595 ||Hal Leonard|Piano, Vocal and Guitar|Book Only|Piano Vocal|Pop & Rock|||||||73999033595|HL00303359|
6,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 3:00 min
Difficulty: 2+
Composer: Elvis Presley
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 56075
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Chamber Music Sampler, Book 1 - Diverse / Arr. Joanne Haroutounian

Chamber Music Sampler, Book 1 Diverse / Arr. Joanne Haroutounian

Pianists, violinists, and cellists will have more opportunities to explore and enjoy piano trio literature with this wonderful collection of short works and selected piano trio movements by Beethoven, Clementi, Haydn, Klengel, Mozart, and Schubert. Editor Joanne Haroutounian selected these uniquely charming pieces because of their accessibility for students as well as adult cha ...
11,24 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: Joanne Haroutounian
Article Nr: 463373
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *
* Information on availability is based on previous experiences. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice!
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