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Sonatina Favorites - Heft 2 / Book 2 - Diverse / Arr. James Bastien

Sonatina Favorites - Heft 2 / Book 2 Diverse / Arr. James Bastien

[EN]This book contains sonatinas from the master composers, complete with form analysis and practice, memorization, and performance suggestions. For early intermediate to intermediate students. [DE]Die Hefte enthalten komplette Sonatinen der Großen Meister mit Erklärungen der Form, Übungsanleitungen, Anregungen zum Auswendigspiel und Ratschläge für den Vortrag. Lieferbare ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: James Bastien
Article Nr: 466520
available in 10 days *

Easy Listening Piano Souvenirs - Show, Film & Theater - Dick Martens
Famous melodies arranged for beginning pianists. Lieferbare Produkte / Available Products: Band 1 / Book 1 Band 2 / Book 2 Band 3 / Book 3 Band 4 / Book 4 Piano Souvenirs Christmas Piano Souvenirs Show, Film & Theater Dieses Produkt könnte Sie auch interessieren / This Product might be interesting for you: De Mooiste Popsongs voor Piano The Favorite Hit Collection ...
14,90 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Dick Martens
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 638545
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

2 Transcriptionen aus Mozarts Requiem KV 626 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Arr. Franz Liszt

2 Transcriptionen aus Mozarts Requiem KV 626 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Arr. Franz Liszt

für Klavier (Verlagskopie) 979-0-50267-377-2 Komponiert im Jahr 1862, als Liszt von der Unmöglichkeit erfuhr, eine Ehe mit Prinzessin Carolyne eingehen zu können, deuten die zwei Transkriptionen von Mozarts Requiem, Confutatis maledictis und Lacrymosa auf eine mit Hoffnung und Akzeptanz durchwirkte Reue. Im Zuge der Ereignisse, die die Ehe verhinderten, wandte sich Liszt Go ...
9,90 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 8:03 min
Difficulty: 4
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Arranger: Franz Liszt
Article Nr: 641756
available in 16 days *

Gaudi - Das Musical - Vocal Selection - Eric Woolfson / Arr. Alan Parsons

Gaudi - Das Musical - Vocal Selection Eric Woolfson / Arr. Alan Parsons

Alternative Bestellnummer: Weinberger 226-17 Das Musical um Liebe, Kunst und LeidenschaftInhalt / Content: • Money Talks • Closer To Heaven • Standing On Higher Ground • Tango Gueell • Parca Gueell • Puppet Master • Inside Looking Out • Forbidden Fruit • Lonely Song ...
25,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Eric Woolfson
Arranger: Alan Parsons
Article Nr: 521415
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Essential Piano Repertoire (Downloadable Recordings) - Level 3 - Keith Snell
[EN]Essential Piano Repertoire provides piano students with carefully chosen collections of the very best keyboard literature from the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries. The appropriately graded levels ensure steady and thorough progress as pianists advance in their study of the baroque, classical, and romantic styles. CD included. [DE]Zusätzlich zu den Einzelausgaben der Piano ...
8,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: Keith Snell
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 466469
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Magic Keyboard - Opern und Operetten - Diverse / Arr. Eddie Schlepper

Magic Keyboard - Opern und Operetten Diverse / Arr. Eddie Schlepper

Alternative Bestellnummer: Weinberger 261-17 Inhalt / Content: • Ach Ich Hab Sie Ja Nur Auf Die Schulter Geküsst (Der Bettelstudent) - Carl Millöcker • Dein Ist Mein Ganzes Herz (Das Land Des Lächelns) - Franz Lehár • Ich Bin Die Christel Von Der Post (Der Vogelhändler) - Carl Zeller • Immer Nur Lächeln (Das Land Des Lächelns) - Fran ...
15,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2+
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: Eddie Schlepper
Article Nr: 521446
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Beerdigung (Orgel) - Diverse / Arr. Karl-Peter Chilla

Beerdigung (Orgel) Diverse / Arr. Karl-Peter Chilla

Leicht spielbare Stücke aus Barock, Klassik und Romantik für Orgel (manualiter, Pedal ad lib.) Bei einer Trauerfeier – einer von Emotionen getragenen Zeremonie – können diese Orgelstücke trösten und beruhigen. Sie wollen helfen, dass den Gedanken der Trauernden Raum gegeben wird für Erinnerungen an die verstorbene Person. Die Choralbearbeitungen können sowohl als Vor-, Zwisc ...
18,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: Karl-Peter Chilla
Article Nr: 558451
available in 3 days *

A Debut For You - Heft 2 / Book 2 - Jane Smisor Bastien

A Debut For You - Heft 2 / Book 2 Jane Smisor Bastien

[EN]This book contains 11 solos written in varied styles by Jane, Lisa, and Lori Bastien. Outstanding for a variety of special performances. [DE]Jeder Band enthält 11 Solostücke in verschiedenen Stilrichtungen. Ansprechende, vielfarbige Illustrationen regen die Fantasie der Schüler an. Lieferbare Produkte / Available Products: Heft 1 / Book 1 (Grundstufe) Heft 2 / Book ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 460826
available in 10 days *

Hebrew Favorites - Jane Smisor Bastien

Hebrew Favorites Jane Smisor Bastien

[EN] Simplified piano arrangements of the most beautiful and best loved Hebrew songs for Jewish holidays and festive occasions. Also includes popular Israeli folk songs, with Hebrew and English texts. "My Little Dredyl," "Chanuka," and "Maoz Tsur," are specifically for this holiday season. English words are included with each song. [DE] Vereinfachte Klavierarrangements der s ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 462762
available in 10 days *

Sonatina Favorites - Heft 1 / Book 1 - Diverse
[EN]This book contains sonatinas from the master composers, complete with form analysis and practice, memorization, and performance suggestions. For early intermediate to intermediate students. [DE]Die Hefte enthalten komplette Sonatinen der Großen Meister mit Erklärungen der Form, Übungsanleitungen, Anregungen zum Auswendigspiel und Ratschläge für den Vortrag. Lieferbare ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 4
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 466519
available in 10 days *

100 internationale Evergreens
Alternative Artikelnummer: Weinberger 201-17Inhalt / Content: A Fesche Katz Braucht An Agnes Walzer Air Mail Special Am 30. Mai Ist Der Weltuntergang An Der Donau Steht Marika Anema E Core (Ewige Liebe) At The Hop Barbara Barbara Komm Mit Mir Nach Afrika Blaue Serenade Blauer Himmel Bolero De Oro Bourrasque Bums Valdera (Wir Machen Durch Bis Morgen Früh) Captain C ...
15,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: -
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 521396
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Im Hafen von Adano - Akkordeon - Don Pelosi
Alternative Artikelnummer: Weinberger 116-17 Format: 22 x 30,5 cm
6,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Don Pelosi
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 762658
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Ein neues Notenbuch für kleine Leute op. 107 - Carl Reinecke
für Klavier 30 Leichte Klavierstueckchen Komponiert Fuer seine kleine Tochter Helene
12,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: Carl Reinecke
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 652371
available in 16 days *

Piano Repertoire Technic: Scale Skills - Level 3 - Keith Snell
The study of technic is an integral part of any complete education in the performance of a musical instrument. Piano students who consistently practice scales, arpeggios, chords, and finger exercises will gain greater finger strength and flexibility as well as increased fluency and accuracy in performance. Familiarity with these technical elements also enhances a secure underst ...
6,18 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Keith Snell
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 466511
available in 10 days *

Best of Beyer - Selections from Preparatory Method For Piano Opus. 101 - Ferdinand Beyer
Ferdinand Beyer (1803-1863) was a German pianist, piano teacher, and composer. He wrote one of the first comprehensive piano methods, Vorschule im Klavierspiel (Preparatory Method for Piano), Op. 101. Published first in 1860, Beyer's method is still in use in many parts of the world today, and it significantly influenced methods which came after it. Although its didactic style ...
8,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Ferdinand Beyer
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 929324
available in 10 days *

Ovation, Book 1 - Keith Snell

Ovation, Book 1 Keith Snell

Showpieces provide opportunities for pianists to display their skills and elicit the Wow! response from an audience. The anticipation of acquiring virtuosity is highly motivating for piano students because there is a special thrill in experiencing the sound and feel of playing showpieces, as well as having the admiration of listeners! The music of Ovation, Books 1 and 2 was sel ...
10,67 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: -
Arranger: Keith Snell
Article Nr: 929325
available in 10 days *
* Information on availability is based on previous experiences. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice!
Rev. 4.118 - Time: 462 ms | SQL: -1 ms