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Quiet Classics - For The Piano - Diverse / Arr. Keith Snell

Quiet Classics - For The Piano Diverse / Arr. Keith Snell

Beautiful Music Appropriate for Church Services-Weddings-Elegant Parties-RestaurantsDon't panic if your high school student needs music for that special church service, wedding, party, or first "gig!" It's all right here for the advancing student or professional pianist. Selections are arranged into "sets" of approximately twenty-five minutes in length.Inhalt / Content: ...
15,73 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2+
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: Keith Snell
Article Nr: 466154
available in 10 days *

First Bach Album - James Bastien

First Bach Album James Bastien

Fifteen Pieces Selected Form Little Notebook For Anna Magdalena, 12 Short Preludes, And English Suite No. 3 Form An Excellent, Practical First Bach Collection. Especially Useful Are A Detailed Biography (And Photo) Of Bach And A Discussion Of The Style, Ornaments, Dances And Instruments Of This Important Period.

5,06 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: James Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 464317
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

3 Mini Sonatinas for piano - Jane Smisor Bastien

3 Mini Sonatinas for piano Jane Smisor Bastien

Three movement works at the earliest possible elementary level offer a refreshing choice of repertoire in the keys of C Major, F Major, and G Major. The writing is highly sequential and easy to read, perfect for a student's first sonatina.
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 1+
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 460823
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Messe de Requiem op.54 (Klavierauszug) - Camille Saint-Saens / Arr. Fritz Näf

Messe de Requiem op.54 (Klavierauszug) Camille Saint-Saens / Arr. Fritz Näf

Titel / Title: Messe de Requiem op.54 Herausgeber / Publisher: Carus Verlag Instrumentation: Soli SATB, Coro SATB and Orchestra Produkttyp / Product: Klavierauszug Sprache / Language: Latin Erscheinungsdatum / Date of Production: 2017 ISMN: 9790007182052 für Soli, gem Chor und Orchester (große und reduzierte Besetzung) Damit das Requiem auch in einer etwas kleineren ...
74,20 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 41:00 min
Difficulty: 3+
Composer: Camille Saint-Saens
Arranger: Fritz Näf
Article Nr: 535998
available in 5 days *

In the Mood - Einzelausgabe Klavier (PVG) - Joe Garland / Arr. Hans Rauch

In the Mood - Einzelausgabe Klavier (PVG) Joe Garland / Arr. Hans Rauch

Vergriffen (Restexemplare bei uns noch lieferbar!) / Permanently out of Print (we still sell our remaining stock) Alternative Bestellnummer: Weinberger 541-17
6,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 3:00 min
Difficulty: 2+
Composer: Joe Garland
Arranger: Hans Rauch
Article Nr: 521567
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Präludien und Fugen für Orgel - Johann Krieger / Arr. Friedrich Wilhelm Riedel

Präludien und Fugen für Orgel Johann Krieger / Arr. Friedrich Wilhelm Riedel

9,20 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Article Nr: 651206
available in 14 days *

3 Introitus mit Versus - für Orgel - Christian Erbach / Arr. Wilhelm Krumbach

3 Introitus mit Versus - für Orgel Christian Erbach / Arr. Wilhelm Krumbach

Reihe: WERKE ALTER MEISTER 11 DIE ORGEL 2 Introitus primi toni -- Versus -- Introitus secundi toni -- Versus -- Introitus tertii et quarti toni -- Versus.
7,70 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2+
Composer: Christian Erbach
Arranger: Wilhelm Krumbach
Article Nr: 648398
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Collage of Solos - Heft 3 / Book 3 - Jane Smisor Bastien
[EN]Bastien's Collage of Solos captivates the interest and imagination of students with the three distinctive styles of Jane, Lisa, and Lori Bastien. These solos add excitement to a students repertoire. [DE]Die Solostücke dieser Hefte bringen schon den Anfängern am Klavier zeitgenössische Klänge näher. Lieferbare Produkte / Available Products: Heft 1 / Book 1 (Grundstufe ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 460848
available in 10 days *

Mephisto-Walzer - Franz Liszt / Arr. Dallas Weekley

Mephisto-Walzer Franz Liszt / Arr. Dallas Weekley

Liszt/ed. by Weekley & Arganbright: This brilliant dramatic piece by Franz Liszt is a must for every teacher's library and for all advanced ensemble performers. First written as an orchestral work. Liszt later transcribed the Mephisto Waltz for piano solo and one piano, four hands.
7,81 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 11:30 min
Difficulty: 4
Composer: Franz Liszt
Arranger: Dallas Weekley
Article Nr: 461619
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Twelve Valses Nobles, Op. 77 (D. 969) - Franz Schubert / Arr. Keith Snell

Twelve Valses Nobles, Op. 77 (D. 969) Franz Schubert / Arr. Keith Snell

[EN]Working from urtext sources, which have few or no markings, the editor has added fingering, dynamics, articulations, expression marks, and even tempo/ character markings to aid musical interpretation and performance. These are lively and articulate Viennese waltzes, generally twice as fast as other types of waltzes. Any waltz from this set may be played individually, or sev ...
8,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: Franz Schubert
Arranger: Keith Snell
Article Nr: 928887
available in 6 days *

Hochzeit - Diverse / Arr. Karl-Peter Chilla

Hochzeit Diverse / Arr. Karl-Peter Chilla

für Orgel Von Purcell und Bach bis hin zu Titeln von MacDowell und Gershwin reicht dieser umfangreiche Band, der fast alle musikalischen Wünsche zu Traugottesdiensten mit leicht spielbarer Literatur abdeckt. Fast so wichtig wie das passende Ein- und Auszugsstück sind immer häufiger auch meditative oder heitere Stücke um die eigentliche Trau- und Segenshandlung des Gottesd ...
18,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: Karl-Peter Chilla
Article Nr: 558400
available in 8 days *

Pop, Rock 'n Blues - Stufe 3 / Level 3 - Jane Smisor Bastien
Another fun collection by the Bastiens! Enticing supplementary material is ideal for student retention. Correlated with the Music Through The Piano Library, they can be used with any beginning piano method. Lieferbare Produkte / Available Products: Stufe 1 / Level 1 Stufe 2 / Level 2 Stufe 3 / Level 3 Dieses Produkt könnte Sie auch interessieren / This Product might be int ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 460900
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Magic Keyboard - Deutsche Schlagerparade - Diverse / Arr. Eddie Schlepper

Magic Keyboard - Deutsche Schlagerparade Diverse / Arr. Eddie Schlepper

Alternative Bestellnummer: Weinberger 241-17 Magic Keyboard - leicht spielbarInhalt / Content: • Das machen nur die Beine von Dolores • Die kleine Kneipe • Du schwarzer Zigeuner • Mamatschi • Michaela • Mit verbundenen Augen • Schwarze Madonna • Tanze mit mir in den Morgen • The ...
15,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: Eddie Schlepper
Article Nr: 521427
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Bastien Play-Along Treasury of Solos - Buch 2 / Book 2 - Jane Smisor Bastien
[EN]Easy Pieces for beginning piano players. [DE]Leichte Stücke für Klavieranfänger. Das Spiel mit CD-Begleitung fördert das Rhythmusgefühl und die Spielfreude der kleinen Pianisten. Jedes Heft enthält eine Play-Along-CD. Lieferbare Produkte / Available Products: Bastien Play-Along ... ... Familiar Favorites - Buch 1 / Book 1 ... Familiar Favorites - Buch 2 / Book 2 . ...
11,24 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 4
Composer: Jane Smisor Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 460846
available in 21 days *

Piano Repertoire Technic: Scale Skills - Level 10 - Keith Snell
6,12 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Keith Snell
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 466516
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

All of Me - John Legend

All of Me John Legend

Titel / Title: All of Me Herausgeber / Publisher: Hal Leonard Instrumentation: Easy Piano Serie / Series: Easy Piano ISBN: 9781540079114 UPC: 888680022464
6,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: John Legend
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 396946
available in 9 days *
* Information on availability is based on previous experiences. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice!
Rev. 4.118 - Time: 300 ms | SQL: -1 ms