
Tasten- und Balginstrumente

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Das Weihnachts-Ding mit Noten - Andreas Lutz & Bernhard Bitzel

Das Weihnachts-Ding mit Noten Andreas Lutz & Bernhard Bitzel

Gesang und Gitarre Liederbuch mit Spiralbindung DIN A4 Kultliederbuch Cult SongbookA unique selection of over 200 German and international songs. The compilation covers not only the long-established classics but also traditionals and hits from pop and rock. As usual, it comes in two versions: either as a songbook with lyrics and harmonies or also with the music. A Christmas So ...
26,80 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: Andreas Lutz & Bernhard Bitzel
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 301130
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

A wonderful Christmas Dream Partitur
9,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: -
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 916511
available in 7 days *

Max Raabe - Für Frauen ist das kein Problem - Annette Humpe / Arr. Max Raabe

Max Raabe - Für Frauen ist das kein Problem Annette Humpe / Arr. Max Raabe

Für Frauen ist das kein Problem Songbook Klavier/Gesang/GitarreThe Berlin based singer Max Raabe gained world-wide attention with his Palast Orchestra and his 21st century lounge music version of the sounds of the 20s and 30s. His current album Für Frauen ist das kein Problem is the second wonderful result of his collaboration with the famous composer and producer Annette Hump ...
29,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2+
Composer: Annette Humpe
Arranger: Max Raabe
Article Nr: 394663
available in 8 days *

Christmas for Solo Singers; Book only - Traditional / Arr. Jay Althouse

Christmas for Solo Singers; Book only Traditional / Arr. Jay Althouse

Titel / Title: Christmas for Solo Singers - 14 Seasonal Favorites Arranged for Solo Voice and Piano for Recitals and Concerts Herausgeber / Publisher: Alfred Music Publications Instrumentation: Gesang ISBN: 9780739000083 UPC: 38081126531 Songbook for medium high voice and pianoInhalt / Content: Sing Noel Silent Night Hodie Jingle Bells Winter Carol Sleigh Song O holy Night Go ...
21,95 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Jay Althouse
Article Nr: 370256
available in 9 days *

Top Tips für Keyboard Band 1 - Eddie Schlepper
Alternative Bestellnummer: Weinberger 310-17
15,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 1+
Composer: Eddie Schlepper
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 521485
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Toccata C-Dur op.31 für Orgel - Karl Marx
8,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Karl Marx
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 652735
available in 14 days *

Weihnacht in der uralten Marienkirche zu Krakau - Fantasie op.31,3 für Orgel - Feliks Nowowiejski
19,80 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 6:30 min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: Feliks Nowowiejski
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 534720
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Fingerkraft Band 4 für Klavier/Orgel - John Wesley Schaum
Progressiv geordnete technische Übungen
10,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 4
Composer: John Wesley Schaum
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 394099
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Intro und Outroludien - 18 leichte freie Orgelstücke - Markus Nickel
Unkompliziert und für den praktischen Gebrauch bestens geeignet sind diese 18 Stücke, die - obwohl leicht zu spielen - in ihrer klanglichen Wirkung sich bestens eignen, um einen Gottesdienst zu beginnen oder zu beschließen. Aber auch als Zwischenmusiken eignen sich die Werke. Dabei konnte der Komponist eine große Bandbreite an Stilen und Gattungen umsetzen und mit sicherem Gesp ...
12,00 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: Markus Nickel
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 558245
available in 4 days *

Treasury of great Kids' Songs - Diverse
for piano A-tisket a-tasket|The Ballad of Gilligan's Isle|Batman Theme|A Bicycle built for two|Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin|The chicken Dance|Chitty chitty bang bang|Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy|De colores|The Entertainer|The Flintstones|For he's a jolly good Fellow|Ghostbusters|Goodnight Ladies|Ha-ha this-a-way|Happy Birthday to you|High Hopes|Hi-lili hi-lo|I believe I c ...
26,95 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 2
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 369630
available in 9 days *

Wonderful tonight - Eric Clapton

Wonderful tonight Eric Clapton

6,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Eric Clapton
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 399138
available in 9 days *

Piano Recital Solos, Stufe 3 / Level 3 - Jane and James Bastien
Each volume contains a superb selection of original solos perfect for recitals, contests, or festivals. Lieferbare Produkte / Available Products: Band 1 / Bood 1 (Grundstufe / Primer Level) Band 2 / Bood 2 (Stufe 1 / Level 1) Band 3 / Bood 3 (Stufe 2 / Level 2) Band 4 / Bood 4 (Stufe 3 / Level 3) ...
6,74 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Jane and James Bastien
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 460763
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Piano Literature vol. 6 - Diverse / Arr. Jane Smisor Bastien

Piano Literature vol. 6 Diverse / Arr. Jane Smisor Bastien

Volume 6 completes the most popular collection of piano repertoire available! Each volume is carefully selected and masterfully edited by Jane Smisor Bastien, with practical fingerings and pedalings, and clear, easy-to-read markings which make learning the repertoire easier.
16,85 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 3+
Composer: Diverse
Arranger: Jane Smisor Bastien
Article Nr: 466080
available in 10 days *

Ich hab den Vater Rhein in seinem Bett geseh'n - Einzelausgabe Klavier (PVG) - Toni Steingass / Arr. Heinz Korn
Alternative Artikelnummer: Weinberger 522-17 Text: Heinz Korn Musik: Toni Steingass und Heinz Korn Ich hab den Vater Rhein in seinem Bett geseh'n ja der hat's wunderschön, der braucht nie aufzusteh'n. Und rechts und links vom Bett da steht der beste Wein - ach wäre ich doch nur der alte Vater Rhein! Ich hatte was getrunken, es war wohl ein sehr guter Wein. Denn ...
6,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 3:00 min
Difficulty: 2+
Composer: Toni Steingass
Arranger: Heinz Korn
Article Nr: 521559
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Pianomusikk vol.1 - Ketil Bjoernstad

Pianomusikk vol.1 Ketil Bjoernstad

Inhalt / Content: Prelude no.1 Solace - The Rainbow version Arioso dolente Lucian Hymn for Iohanne In the Night. Midwinter Fanny Xiang The Rainbow The Grave, the Oracle Psalm The Secret The blue Romm in Vika Solace - The Way throught the Woods Version Pianology 3 Pianology 4 The orphan Child The Way through the Woods Floating Prelude no.19 The Sorrow in you ...
48,60 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Ketil Bjoernstad
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 667101
available in 5 days *

La valse - Poeme choreographique pour Orchestre - Maurice Ravel
Klaviertranskription des Komponisten In der Reihe Musique Française erscheinen Meisterwerke französischer Komponisten für Musikschüler und -lehrer. Alle Bände enthalten Spielanweisungen sowie historische und stilistische Kommentare von anerkannten Experten.
20,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: 12:05 min
Difficulty: 4
Composer: Maurice Ravel
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 480302
available in 3 days *
* Information on availability is based on previous experiences. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice!
Rev. 4.118 - Time: 305 ms | SQL: -1 ms