Felix Ceunen

Felix Ceunen composer

Felix Ceunen was born in Heusden, a small village in the Belgian province “Limbourg”

He took the opportunity of learning to play the tuba at the musical school of Beringen in the same province.

After he ended his high school studies, he embarked on musical studies at the Royal Flemish Conservatory of Antwerp and at the Conservatoire Royal of Liège.

He took lessons from:

* François Dubois (solfeggio)

* Gilbert de Greeve (harmony)

* Norbert van der Jeught (tuba)

* Frits Celis (transposition)

* Theo Mertens (chamber music)

* Fernand Terby (symphonic orchestra)

* Yvon Duchêne (conductor of symphonic band)

* André Jadot (counterpoint - fugue)

* Marcel Mattheessens (piano)

* Karl Smits (trombone)

At the moment, Felix Ceunen is retired as a musician of “The Royal Belgian Military Bands”.

In 1976 he conducts for the first time a small symphonic band; the “K.F. Heidegalm” from Heusden-Berkenbos(1976-1984).

In the following years, Felix remained conducting several symphonic bands:

*K.F. St.-Jozef”(Kleine-Brogel)(B)(1980-1990)
*K.F. St.-Isidorus (Molenbeersel)(B)(1984-1991)
*K.H. St.-Laurentius (Bocholt)(B)(1987-2002)
*Harmonie Waterschei-Zwartberg (Genk) (B)(2001-2007)
*K.F. St-Lambertus (Eindhout)(B) & K.M. St.-Barbaragilde (Balen) (B)(2002-2009)
*K.H. Hoeverheidegalm (Lillo-Houthalen)(B)(1995-2017)
*K.F. Hoop in de Toekomst (Hoepertingen)(B)(2007-2013)
Okra-Vlamo Seniorenharmonie Limburg (B)(2020-…….)
He was also the ‘Artistic Mentor’ and the ‘coach of the woodwinds and the brasses’ of the symphonic orchestra “Limburgs Orkest Jeugd & Muziek” (LOJM)(Hasselt)(B)(2003-2018).

In April 2011 he became the Artistic Director of the Chamber Orchestra “Falta de Tiempo”.

From 2016, Felix is regular guest teacher tuba and brass ensemble at the Music Department of Stellenbosch University in South Africa, and since 2018 he has been the coordinator of chamber music concerts, focusing on the Polish soprano Erica Fronzyck, the Bulgarian pianist Yuli Lavrenov and the Albanian-Italian violinist Lorin Lara.

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Eye-Oh für Kontrabass und Klavier - Felix Ceunen

Eye-Oh für Kontrabass und Klavier

Felix Ceunen
Streich- und Zupfinstrumente

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15,00 €
Verwandlung : für Streichorchester - Felix Ceunen
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19,00 €
Parcae : für Violine - Felix Ceunen

Parcae : für Violine

Felix Ceunen

inc. tax
plus shipping
14,00 €
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