Josep Maria Ruera i Pinart

Josep Maria Ruera i Pinart composer

date of birth: 02.08.1900
date of death: 31.05.1988

Josep Maria Ruera i Pinart (Barcelona, 2 August 1900 - Granollers, 31 May 1988) was a musician and music teacher with close ties to Granollers. He was born in Barcelona on 2 August 1900 - Granollers, 31 May 1988.

Born in Barcelona to a Granollers family, when Josep Maria was nine years old his family moved to live in Granollers, the town where he would remain for the rest of his life. There he began to study music with Manel Glanadell i Soler, the parish organist, and violin with Pere Brugués. He continued his studies in Barcelona at the Escola Municipal de Música and at the Conservatori del Liceu with the teachers Amadeu Argelaga and Josep Munner, from whom he learnt counterpoint and fugue; a grant from the Granollers Town Council in 1917 enabled him to further his training with Joan B. Lambert and Joan Lamote de Grignon (orchestration) and Enric Morera (composition).

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Esplai - Jocs - Flauta o Violin y Piano - Josep Maria Ruera i Pinart

Esplai - Jocs - Flauta o Violin y Piano

Josep Maria Ruera i Pinart
Originale Literatur

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Meditacio Duo - para cliarinete (flauta) y piano - Josep Maria Ruera i Pinart
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