Excelcia Music Publishing

Excelcia Music Publishing publisher

Excelcia Music Publishing hat auch die folgenden Verlage in Ihrem Besitz: / is controlling the following companies:
Wingert-Jones Music
RBC Publications
Kendor Music Inc.

As a composer-led publisher, Excelcia Music Publishing provides musical and educational communities with new, school performance music for concert band, Jazz ensemble, orchestra, and choir, as well as methods, solos and cutting-edge resources for music educators. We publish artistic, accessible music by composers who are sensitive to and passionate about the needs and educational aspirations of young musicians. Our music and resources provide educators with what they need to guide their students to the next levels of musicianship and success. We provide our composers with unparalleled support and respect, creating professional and meticulously-edited music that educators, ensembles, and audiences will truly enjoy.

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Garland Entrée - Karl Lawrence King / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Garland Entrée

Karl Lawrence King / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
St. Julien - Arthur W. Hughes / Arr. Timothy Rhea

St. Julien

Arthur W. Hughes / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Wien Bleibt Wien - Johann Schrammel / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Wien Bleibt Wien

Johann Schrammel / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
American Legion - Charles Wesley Parker / Arr. Timothy Rhea

American Legion

Charles Wesley Parker / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Flag of Victory - Franz von Blon / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Flag of Victory

Franz von Blon / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Royal Bridesmaids - John W. Casto / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Royal Bridesmaids

John W. Casto / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Front Section - Edwin Eugene Bagley / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Front Section

Edwin Eugene Bagley / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
The Voice of the Guns - Kenneth J. Alford / Arr. Timothy Rhea

The Voice of the Guns

Kenneth J. Alford / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Neddermeyer Triumphal March - Karl Lawrence King / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Neddermeyer Triumphal March

Karl Lawrence King / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Bravura - Charles E. Duble / Arr. Timothy Rhea


Charles E. Duble / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
The Screamer - Fred Jewell / Arr. Timothy Rhea

The Screamer

Fred Jewell / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Porter's Catalina Band - Dwight McCaughey / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Porter's Catalina Band

Dwight McCaughey / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Wellington March - Wilhelm Zehle / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Wellington March

Wilhelm Zehle / Arr. Timothy Rhea
Märsche / Marches

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
The American Red Cross - Louis Panella / Arr. Timothy Rhea

The American Red Cross

Louis Panella / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
America First - Frank H. Losey / Arr. Timothy Rhea

America First

Frank H. Losey / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
Battle Royal - Fred Jewell / Arr. Timothy Rhea

Battle Royal

Fred Jewell / Arr. Timothy Rhea

inc. tax
plus shipping
90,00 €
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