Kevin Mayhew Publishers

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Heiße Blockflötenschule Band 1 (+CD) - Sarah Watts
Titel / Title: Heiße Blockflötenschule 1 - barocke Griffweise Barocke Griffweise Lehrbuch mit CD - Lehrb+CD - Blockflöte - deutsch ISBN: 978-1-84867-369-4 ISMN: 979-0-57042-095-7 Die Blockflöte ist ein tolles Instrument! Alles, was Du brauchst, um sie so gut wie möglich zu spielen, ist ein tolles Buch. Hier ist es: Heiße Blockflötenschule 1. Wenn Du damit ferti ...
12,75 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 1
Composer: Sarah Watts
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 54563
available in 8 days *

Sonatas vol.1 (+CD) - Giuseppe Rabboni / Arr. Paul Edmund-Davies

Sonatas vol.1 (+CD) Giuseppe Rabboni / Arr. Paul Edmund-Davies

Titel / Title: Sonatas for Flute and Piano

Twelve fine Sonatas by the Italian virtuoso. Piano Accompaniment by Roger Vignoles


for flute and piano sonatas nos.1-12
30,75 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 3
Composer: Giuseppe Rabboni
Arranger: Paul Edmund-Davies
Article Nr: 793391
in stock | delivery time 1-2 days *

Heiße Blockflötenschule Band 1: - Sarah Watts


13,90 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Sarah Watts
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 774061
available in 8 days *

Pops You know (+CD): - Alan Haughton

Pops You know (+CD): Alan Haughton

for recorder and piano
15,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Alan Haughton
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 780724
available in 8 days *

Pops You know (+CD): - Alan Haughton

Pops You know (+CD): Alan Haughton

for violin and piano
13,10 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Alan Haughton
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 780726
available in 8 days *

Pops You know (+Download): - Alan Haughton

Titel / Title: Pops You know (+CD):

for cello and piano


for cello and piano
15,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Alan Haughton
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 780727
available in 8 days *

Razzamajazz Repertoire (+CD) for recorder - Sarah Watts
and piano part for the teacher starts with just 1 note takes you up to 10


and piano part for the teacher starts with just 1 note takes you up to 10
13,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Sarah Watts
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 774064
available in 8 days *

Razzamajazz (+CD) for bassoon - Sarah Watts
and piano


and piano
15,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Sarah Watts
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 774045
available in 8 days *

Razzamajazz vol.1-3 for recorder and piano - Sarah Watts
recorder part (student's copy)


recorder part (student's copy)
9,75 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Sarah Watts
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 774036
available in 8 days *

Canon in D - Johann Pachelbel

Canon in D Johann Pachelbel

Titel / Title: Canon in D for piano


for piano
8,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: 4 (4)
Composer: Johann Pachelbel
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 752610
available in 8 days *

Red Hot Song Library - Silly Songs (+CD) - Sarah Watts
for young voice (children's chorus) and piano score


for young voice (children's chorus) and piano score
25,95 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Sarah Watts
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 774082
available in 8 days *

12 Fanfares and Trumpet Tunes for - Noel Rawsthorne
festive Occasions for organ


festive Occasions for organ
14,95 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Noel Rawsthorne
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 792668
available in 8 days *

After the last Verse 200 hymn - Malcolm Archer
improvisations for organ


improvisations for organ
38,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Malcolm Archer
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 792567
available in 8 days *

50 more Baroque Fillers for organ
27,99 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: -
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 868897
available in 8 days *

Canon - Johann Pachelbel

Canon Johann Pachelbel

for cello and piano


for cello and piano
8,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Johann Pachelbel
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 752630
available in 8 days *

Adagio from Violin Concerto in G minor - Max Bruch
Klavier Spielbuch


for piano
8,50 €
inc. tax
plus shipping
Duration: --:-- min
Difficulty: -
Composer: Max Bruch
Arranger: -
Article Nr: 856261
available in 8 days *
Rev. 4.118 - Time: 141 ms | SQL: -1 ms